Charlie Summers <charlie@lofcom.com> writes:
At 7:44 AM -0400 8/21/00, era eriksson is rumored to have typed:
As far as I can tell, Philip is not interested in e.g. maintaining procmail.org and if we don't attempt to coordinate things, nobody will develop the site or maintain any mailing lists at all.
Then Philip decides who _will_ maintain procmail.org, and said person does it. Gees, this seems so _simple_ to me...am I the only one who doesn't see this whole thing as a major problem? Philip _is_ the maintainer of the software, and as such is in the position that Stephen was in many years ago. If he wants to do something crazy like run the mailing lists with Mreply, he's welcomed to do so since he's de facto the boss. These two software packages don't need committees, they need for us to accept the reality of the situation (Philip's in charge and should do pretty much whatever he wants) and move on. Any time Philip doesn't want to maintain the software, he's welcomed to find someone else to do so, and then _that_ person will make the decisions.
You want a pronouncement from me? Here's one: I abdicate any responsibility for the mailing lists. I didn't think I had any to begin with, but you seem to think so, so I'll give it up. If anyone wants to take over the procmail or smartlist mailing lists they should just contact Guido Bunsen <bunsen@rz.RWTH-Aachen.de> and go for it. He gives the following numbers for subscribers: 340 smartlist 560 procmail-announce 870 procmail If you have the time, interest, and capability to handle lists that size, go for it. Don't bother asking me to annoint you: my holy oil is already packed for when I move in less than a month. Next question? ...
I agree with Werner; first off, this is NOT a development issue, it's one dealing with the mailing lists. And as Werner mentioned, this _did_ start on the SmartList list, which is where it should stay. There's no reason to limit this discussion to only those on the development list, and I for one have no intention of doing so. (I believe it was _you_ who decided to copy it to procmail and dev in the first place.)
['_you_' being era, I believe] Well, the '-dev' lists have historically (for about 22 months now) been where people who are interested in all these procmail & smartlist meta-issues congregate. I've removed the procmail list from the cc: on this message, as it seems overkill to spread it to there. As for it not being a development issue, if that's true why are you trying to pin it on me? I'm a developer, not an 'owner'. If you're going to wait for me to do something on this, you're going to be waiting a *long* time.
Charlie (who believes in making decisions, accepting responsibility for them, and moving on - which may be why he isn't popular, but _does_ get things done)
...and assigning responsibilities to other people.
P.S. It's apparent to me that Philip has "decided by not deciding" to leave the mailing lists where they are under the software they are runing under, so we're all pretty much wasting time talking about this, anyway.
I don't get this. 1) I said that someone needs to select him or herself to take on the lists, and then just do it. 2) In your reply you said, "(Consider this a volunteer, although there are others more capable than I to operate the list.)" Putting those two statements together leads to the question: why haven't you grabbed the lists? Philip Guenther