Hi, I hope this list is still active. I have the following problem: I'm using smartlist through the "control panel" of my webprovider, so with some clicks, all was installed. After that, I changed a lot to get it working the way I wanted it. Everything works fine except for bounce-detection. When I put some non-existing mail-adress in the dist list and send some mails through the list, there is no sign of any bounce detection whatsoever. There is not even a "bounces" directory. I am doing something wrong, expecting something that is not there, or am I looking at the wrong place or something? Thanks allready, Regards, Jelmer ----------------------------------------------------------- Drs. Jelmer Jellema - Spin in het Web www.spininhetweb.com Spin in het Web geeft internet inhoud ------------------------------------------------------------- Spin in het Web is de producent van: www.visinhetnet.nl: Grote Partij Kinderpostzegels Onderschept www.irritantman.nl: Irritant Man! - Reden tot Klagen