At 3:36 PM -0400 8/1/02, Daniel Staal is rumored to have typed:
Actually, they just asked me to set up another list where they do collect additional info at signup. If I can get this working, I'll use the same system.
(*sigh*) Then spend a few minutes and either pull one of the gadzillion subscribe-o-matic CGIs available on the web (just avoid formmail.pl), or write one yourself in whatever system you like. It's obviuos this "method" doesn't work (since you can't control the browser), so use a CGI and be done with it. (Honest...about two minutes in PHP and you're done. Less than that, actually, unless you're holding more info in MySQL. But a sub mail? Two lines for the form, one line for the mail, done.) And since this is NOT really a SmartList issue (the same rules/problems apply to any mailing list software, or any forms handling in general), it should be taken to a different mailing list. Charlie