On Thu, Dec 20, 2001 at 08:35:31AM -0500, Peter Hartzler wrote:
As amusing as the current flames are,
Yeah. My apologies to all concerned, I guess I've been working too hard, or something. No excuse, I know, and I have been around long enough that I should've known better. Charlie Summers, feel free to call me an idiot if you like, I deserve it.
I feel I should ask if you have read the FAQ... In particular:
8.8: How do I make replies go to the list instead of to the sender? http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/SmartList-FAQ.html#Section_8.8
8.9: How can I make replies go to the original sender? http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/SmartList-FAQ.html#Section_8.9
Yes. I did try reply_to = "Reply-To: $listaddr,`formail -xFrom:`" but that does nothing if there's an original Reply-To:, and while this fixes that:
8.10: Why doesn't putting "Reply-To: $listaddr" in my rc.custom file work for all subscribers? http://www.hartzler.net/smartlist/SmartList-FAQ.html#Section_8.10
it loses original Reply-To: (changes it to Old-Reply-To:). Anyway, I got it working the way I want with reply_to = "Reply-To: `formail -rtzxTo:`,$listaddr" combined with the change suggested in 8.10 above. Thank you all, -- Tapani Tarvainen