Mitch -- You should of course make a backup of ALL files, since it's cheap insurance. If I were you I would probably do something along these lines: Make a complete backup of all userland and config files on the old server. Set up the lists on the new server using that server's stock files -- especially if the new server has a different (hopefully up-to-date) version of SmartList. Then I would unpack my backup somewhere else on the server and copy over the obviously needed files, such as dist. (Bonus extra insurance: make a copy of your new setup before you modify it. CVS or RCS can be handy here.) Finally, I'd use diff(1) (e.g. diff -r) to compare files, and look for differences, and only change the new setup if I see that it's better to use the migrated file. Also be sure to pay attention to files which are hardlinked! Note that moving a file on top of a hardlinked file will break the symlink, while copying a file onto a hardlinked preserves the hardlink (That is, 'mv foo bar' is different from 'cp foo bar;rm foo' -ph On Tue, 12 Mar 2002, Mitch Darer wrote:
I want to transfer my list to a different server. I've looked at the FAQs, but can't find what I need to know, namely, which files do I need to bring over...? Maybe the safest bet is to xfer all of them, unless there's a downside or problem in doing so:
accept archive (folder) archive.txt bounces(folder) dist (for sure...) dist.old footer.txt (ditto) header.txt (ditto) help.txt log moderators msgid.cache (?) rc.custom (a must) rc.custom.old rc.init rc.local.s10 (which I use, so that's a must) rc.local.s20 (ditto) rc.request rc.submit reject subscribe.txt tmp.from tmp.request unsubscribe.txt
Thanks for any advice/help... Mitch Darer