Zitat von KEVIN ZEMBOWER <KZEMBOWER@jhuccp.org>:
Recently one of my SmartList mailinglists behaved strangely. On a weekly, announcement-type list, one posting did not get sent to my own organization. Subscribers at my organization make up 24 of the 1188 total subscribers to the list. I can't find any evidence in the mail log that the posting was even attempted to my organization. However, bounce messages got through normally to the list's owner at this same address.
One unusual entry in the mail logs came just after the posting was received at the mailinglist's address: Nov 11 12:37:39 mailinglists sendmail[511]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR(slist): Arguments too long
That's a sendmail problem. It seems that the number of addresses multigram gives to sendmail for local delivery is too high. Try to set maxnames value in rc.init to a lower value. Just a guess. Werner