I have used SmartList for many years now for various mailing lists. Recently I set up a new list and all of a sudden I have a bunch of AOL users complaining they can't see the attachments. I think it is mainly digest mode users but it is regular mode users too. I run other lists from the same server and the AOL users there have no problems - at least that they have reported to me. Here's a sample user complaint: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Resent-Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 17:10:15 -0600 (CST) From: __________@aol.com Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 18:09:40 EST Subject: Re: ____list-d Digest To: ____list@tltodd.com X-Mailer: 9.0 SE for Windows sub 5021 X-Spam-Flag: NO Resent-Message-ID: <hJvDR.A.dtV.XfCzDB@badger.tltodd.com> Resent-From: ____list@tltodd.com X-Mailing-List: <____list@tltodd.com> archive/latest/1230 X-Loop: ____list@tltodd.com Reply-To: ____list@tltodd.com Precedence: list Resent-Sender: ____list-request@tltodd.com Hi all, I just signed back on to the ____ List. But, I have aol, and it doesn't read MIME, and I am not getting pictures. I get the messages, but twice. One is regular, and the 2nd is with lots of numbers and symbols added in. Pictures just make the page turquoise, and with lots of letters, numbers and symbols - and very long - like 10 pages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Has anyone else seen these types of problems? Anyone have a solution? TIA, Terry Todd