In article <856544.1028132815@[]>, Daniel Staal <DStaal@usa.net> wrote:
I'd agree, except I'm not using a CGI. This is a HTML form with the action set to post to the -request address of the list. What I was actually expecting was SmartList to ignore the body, and I'd manually double check the address against the body. (This in addition to the confirm package.) My current plan is to re-work the form so it doesn't actually post anything, but that is dangerous in that the only way I'm getting any info then is from the user's browser, which could be completely wrong. (And I'd have thrown away the way to check it.)
So you're using something like this? <form method=post action="mailto:country-news-request@example.com?subject=subscribe"> That's pretty clever indeed. :-) If I were doing this I'd probably skip having them enter their e-mail address in a box at all. If they're submitting a mailto: URL, their browser will automatically put their return address (or whatever it thinks is their return address) in the From: header and probably the SMTP envelope too. SmartList should be able to get it from there.