On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 09:46:07AM -0500, Jerry Sloan wrote:
I run a list for our tech support department that sends an auto-reply to the original sender. My problem is this e-mail address gets a boatload of spam. But when the messages come through smartlist has stripped the original message headers. Is there any way to keep the original message headers so that I can use them to block spam?
The official way to look at the raw articles posted to your list is with the get-archive function. I keep my archive limit set at 100 for this very purpose (I think the default was 2 or somesuch). Then you can retrieve what you're interested in, with all their received lines, etc. I grew tired of my list server sending the "Not on the accept list" complaint to its spammers, letting them know more than they need. So I have procmail filters in my list (and digest) rc.local.[rs]00 files that trap spam and divert it to $maintainer. The filters have bypass approval capability, so if a legitimate poster sends what looks like spam, I can send it on. A simple shell script automates the "approving" of such resends, so the whole thing is painless. 95% of the spam is not directly addressed to my list, so that's an obvious first recipe. Beyond that, the filtering gets interesting, and procmail's weighted scoring can help you a lot to develop reasonable filtering strategies, based on the sorts of spam popular in your neighborhood. Remember to use procmail's INCLUDERC facility to centralize your recipes among your lists' various rc.local.x00 files. Hope all this rambling helps, Jim