At 10:30 AM -0400 7/28/00, Werner Reisberger is rumored to have typed:
Since YEARS list members complained about this, sending emails to Stephen and the list without any reaction of a responsible person. Now suddenly someone made a decision without asking the list members.
This isn't _exactly_ news, since the procmail mailing list has been running on mailman for months now. It was only a matter of time before the SmartList list migrated as well...I can't help but wonder if the maintainers didn't even notice the SmartList mailing list for a while, since I expected it to migrate long before now. I say again; the procmail and SmartList maijling lists don't really belong on rwth-aachen.de anyway anymore.
(with searchable (web) archive ....)
(*sigh*) Who needs a searchable Web archive, when there's a searchable archive server? It's a _mailing list,_ for goodness' sake.
I don't like such a "list dictatorship"!
By definition, the list maintainer _is_ a dictator; his list, his rules, so I don't have any major problem with that. (Anyone who runs a successful mailing list as a democracy has no more than three subscribers.) But a mailing list dedicated to a specific piece of software _should_ be controlled (not necessarily served, but controlled) by the same people who control the source to the software. Otherwise, stupid things like this happen. I'm betting the admins aren't even sure what SmartList _is,_ and so what a silly, brain-damaged idea running its support list under mailman really is. Charlie