Hello! Thanks for Your quick response...
That should be changed to rc.local.s00 rc.local.s00 is the right place. Take care that you uncomment RC_LOCAL_SUBMIT_00 in rc.custom. If you still see nothing put "VERBOSE=ON" on the top of rc.local.s00 and look in the log file what happens.
I've tried that already, but without success. Here is what I got this time in an empty letter(I have divertcheck switched to no): X-From_:foo@bar Wed Feb 19 23:28:29 2003 X-Diagnostic: Not on the accept list # Of course foo@bar is not on the From: listman@myhost.com (Smartlist) # the list. But he wasn't the sender To: undisclosed-recipients: ; After that I've got the already well known mail from the list-request to the fake address (which is only mentioned in the reply-to field in rc.custom) Afther this I've tried switching on the divertchek, without pass. That way got only one letter from the list-request to the fake replay adress. Then I switched on pass, and got two mails again the second is the same, but then an emty one with the following lines in the header: X-From_:foo@bar Wed Feb 19 23:45:05 2003 X-Diagnostic: Diverted & unprocessed From: listman@mylist.com (SmartList) To: undisclosed-recipients: ; I think the list can not figure out the sender from the header of the mail, and thats why it sets foo@bar. I have the following lines in rc.local.s00: :0 wfbh * !< $size_limit |formail -rk -I "X-Loop: $listreq" -I "From: $listreq" \ -I "Subject: Sorry, but ... $list max.: $size_limit bytes!" | \ $SENDMAIL -t I forgot to say, but in the mails which were sent by the list-request to the fake are no X-Diagnostic lines. Any suggestions? Now I really want to solve this! :)) Thanks: Odri Kornel
My problem with this is the following: If I send a mail bigger than the maximum size, then the owner-listaddr gets a message about the size not the sender. I've set the reply_to="Reply-To: owner-$listaddr" in rc.custom to avoid auto replays.
You won't have these problems if you make rc.local.s00 work.
-- Werner Reisberger pgp-public-key available: http://www.pure.ch/mypubkey.txt
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