At 1:16 PM -0400 9/7/01, Doug Mansfield is rumored to have typed:
Is there any way to get smartlist to recognize requests (sent to the correct request address) which are sent in a MIME message or formatted text? Messages sent to my lists go Unprocessed if the body conatins an HTML or richly formatted text.
I find that happens considerably less if the commands are in the subject instead of the body. But even then, sometimes, SmartList gets itself confused and returns the mail as unprocessed. I've never really researched it (it doesn't happen frequently enough on my lists to trigger my annoyance high enough to see if I can fix it), but it would be interesting to know what conditions might trigger SmartList to ignore the subject contents in a -request submission. I wrote some scripts on my desktop computer to redirect the request back at the server without the body which always solves the problem (I routinely send text-only mail)...for requests in the body, I have a form letter (including a mini-help file) telling the sender that they have errored and placed their commands to the mailing list server in the wrong place. Charlie (who's never been one to coddle users, and expects them to at least be able to follow simple instructions that clearly say, "...the word SUBSCRIBE in the SUBJECT of your message to...")