Zhiliang wrote ..
I wonder which part of the smartlist converts mordern mails to old fashioned plain text(?),
It doesn't. It treats "modern mails" the same way it treats "antique mails;" as a stream. If you want only plain-text mails in your list, you need to reject or convert multipart outside of SmartList. (Well, ok, you can call your rejection or conversion routine, like the demime perl script, from any of the rc.submit.* you want, but I mean that SmartList cannot natively change multipart to plain text. Truth is, IMHO, one of the things that makes it such an excellent tool even now is that it _doesn't_ munge the body.)
and if I can take that part out (e.g. is it in "rc.submit"? etc).
There's nothing to remove. SmartList is working exactly as-designed; passing the message on to the list mostly the way it found it (header changes notwithstanding). Charlie