At 7:29 AM -0400 4/14/01, CueMan is rumored to have typed:
So in rc.local.s20, you pipe a copy of the mail directly to flist list-d like the following?:
I tried that some time ago and had problems with it.
A couple of years ago, with an older version of SmartList (and on a shared machine that I didn't root), I had that happen _once,_ but I haven't seen that happen at all otherwise. (TIA, I have my sendmail aliases set up to send all mail to the real user slist, and then use slist's .procmailrc file to send to flist. I do _not_ recommend that anyone else do it that way, but it gives me more control, allows me to apply my body-filter anti-spam rules, ignores Bcc mail, and some other stuff. Maybe this is what's "protecting" me from hanging lock files?) Can anyone else share any experiences of direct pipings to flist causing a problem? I mean, I don't know what the difference would be between piping from an alias file and piping from rc.local.s20, but then what I don't know fills libraries... Charlie