20 Jun
20 Jun
4:12 p.m.
--- Roger Burton West <roger@firedrake.org> escribió:
On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 04:22:04PM +0200, David Oliveras wrote:
I was wondering if it's posible to see the last or all the mails of my list on a web site, like happens with this list.
Yes. Try for example mhonarc, which will happily take s SmartList archive/latest/ directory and convert it to web pages.
OK. Thanks. Now i've just downloaded the program but i don't know how to install it because i'm not the owner of thw server. I have my my we-site hosted in a external server (it supports Pearl). Thanks once more. _______________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Messenger: Comunicación instantánea gratis con tu gente - http://messenger.yahoo.es