I recently added the linux mandrake 8.0 version of smartlist (3.13-4) onto a system that had a working version of postfix on it. I simply added the rpm with no problems. Creating the list was easy (i did this as root) and updated the aliases as per directions. The first message i sent complained of the "listserv" user id not existing - so i created a listserv user and made its home directory the "listserv" directory just above the .bin directory that runs the lists. now when I send a message to the list it does pretty much nothing. I turned on logging and debugging by editing the rc.local file and changing the settings in there. Very little in the logs - nothing that jumps out. I tried both just adding people to the list member files and going thru the usual process of approving the subscribers for the list. Anyone have any suggestions on how to best determine what is going on with this ? Smartlist looked so easy to setup i can't figure out what could be messed up ? Thanks in advance. Gord Jensen