Charlie -- Thanks for your suggestions and illuminations; I've folded 'em in, and added a small bit to Section 1.7. As always, I welcome suggestions to improve the FAQ. "SmartList Frequently Asked Questions" "1.7: Is there a SmartList Support mailing list?" Enjoy! Pete. On Mon, 29 Jul 2002, Charlie Summers wrote: ...
It makes more sense to add [subject header munging] in s20, after all other processing is done. Why? Well, if you have a digested version connected to the list, we've discussed at length here how to _remove_ the darned munge in the digested rc.local.s00. Better, IMHO, to, in rc.local.s20: ... [injecting messages into the digest with a a pipe call to flist] has the added benefit that we don't have to subscribe the digest list to the undigested list's dist file and waste a call to sendmail to deliver the mail that we can easily pipe directly into flist; it also means the additional Received: header fields caused by mailing the file across the directory aren't an issue. (I can't figure out why something this simple isn't included in the Manual file as The Right Way To Do It.) ... note in 8.2 that the [list customization] files are hard-linked and should be delinked prior to editing for non-systemic's growing clear that most new users don't understand the basics of nix. (Maybe it's time to consider copying some of these files instead of linking?)