While my first message on this issue waits for approval from the mailing list admin (don't know why) I send a second solution for the bug with addresses like foo@is.not.so.com or alex@wait.change.ti. Such addresses cannot be subscribed because the following line in rc.request matches if the subject line contains "subscribe alex@wait.change.ti". * -100^0 ^Subject:(.*[^a-z])?(Re:|erro|change|problem|((can)?not|.*n't)\>) I would suggest to modify the third condition line of the recipe * 100^0 ^Subject:[ ]*archive to * 100^0 ^Subject:[ ]*(archive|(un)?subscribe) My first solution (which could be come late if the list admin is on holidays) suggested to modify the first regex in brackets of the first condition line, removing the .* greedy regex, but this would weaken the filtering capabilities for non administrative messages. Werner