6 Aug
6 Aug
2:03 p.m.
On Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 10:02:59AM -0500, David R. Linn wrote:
If the SmartList-Package-Maintainer agree to point to another list server for SmartList we could simply set up one very quickly (with searchable (web) archive ....) running with SL.
I personally believe we need to revive the plan to move the lists to procmail.org and smartlist.org.
Could you please let me know, who were the members of the group planning this. I saw that smartlist.org is only registered and not used. I would be willing to host this domain, set up the smartlist list (running with SL!) and the searchable web archive. I could be up and running within 1-2 weeks. I could also set up CVS for the SL package. Werner