I inherited responsibility for a UNIX (HP-UX 10.20) mail server running Smartlist with several mailing lists. I've read the FAQ's, Smartlist manual, and the appropriate sections of the Mailing Lists book by O'Reilly but I couldn't find an answer to one of my current problems. Additionally the mail messages will be composed in Microsoft Outlook.
When I (or anyone else for that matter), subscribes/unsubscribes to a list they get the appropriate message and a bunch of information appended at the bottom. An example will follow at the end of this email. The questions are:
1) Why is this happening?
2) Can it be prevented?
Thanks in advance.
Tom O'Rourke
>From TORourk@hq.odedodea.edu Wed Dec 6 09:01:28 2000
>Received: from hq.odedodea.edu (hq.odedodea.edu [])
> by myserver.odedodea.edu (8.9.3 (PHNE_18979)/8.9.3) with ESMTP id JAA22104
> for <boguslist@myserver.odedodea.edu>; Wed, 6 Dec 2000 09:01:27 -0500 (EST)
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>From: "O'Rourke, Tom (CTR)" <TORourk@hq.odedodea.edu>
>To: "'boguslist@myserver.odedodea.edu'" <boguslist@myserver.odedodea.edu>
>Subject: subscribe
>Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 08:58:37 -0500
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