On or about Fri, Jul 28, 2000 at 11:03:31AM -0400, Charlie Summers typed:
(with searchable (web) archive ....) (*sigh*) Who needs a searchable Web archive, when there's a searchable archive server? It's a _mailing list,_ for goodness' sake.
Actually, that's a very significant concern - convergence is all very well, but I've met plenty of web-based "discussion boards", and they're part of the reason why I choose to run mailing lists instead. I've been giving some thought to writing a web-based administration interface for smartlist. It would be easy enough to do, but with things like mailman around, is there really a demand for it? I wonder if anyone's analysed the security benefit of the X-Command: header, not because of the password authentication, but simply because so many modern mailers won't let you insert a custom header field... -- Roger Burton West -/- roger@firedrake.org http://firedrake.org/roger/