Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, neben dem Ihnen bereits bekannten System der ECTS-Credits gibt es auch eine ECTS grading scale: A excellent - outstading performance with only minor errors B very good - above the average standard but with some errors C good - generally sound work with a number of notable errors D satisfactory - fair but with significant shortcomings E sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria FX fail - some more work required before the credit can be awarded F fail - considerable further work is required Erasmus-Studierende bitten gelegentlich darum, die Ihnen in Aachen erteilten Noten in diese ECTS grading scale umzusetzen. Die Geschäftsführung empfiehlt Ihnen, dabei von der folgenden, von Herrn Prof. Meyer erstellten Umrechnungstabelle auszugehen: 1 - 1,3 A excellent - outstading performance with only minor errors 1,7 - 2 B very good - above the average standard but with some errors 2,3 - 2,7 C good - generally sound work with a number of notable errors 3,0 - 3,3 D satisfactory - fair but with significant shortcomings 3,7 - 4 E sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria 5 FX fail - some more work required before the credit can be awarded 6 F fail - considerable further work is required i.A. von Herrn Prof. Wenzel Mit freundlichem Gruß Lucia Mirbach
participants (1)
Dr. Lucia Mirbach