Welcome to Turnitin: Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, ab sofort können Sie bis auf Weiteres die Plagiats-Such-Software von turnitin probeweise kostenlos nutzen. Die Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie bitte der anhängenden Mail. Waidmanns Heil! Sven Strasen Dear Sven Strasen Welcome to Turnitin! Your Turnitin account has been activated. You may begin using our collaborative learning environment at www.turnitin.com. [...] Your account information: Your institution: Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen Your account ID: 43102 Your account join password: Aachen2 To ensure your privacy, please do not share your account ID and account join password with anyone outside of your educational institution, and please do not post this information in a public forum. Getting Started: For more information on getting started as an administrator, please refer to our administrator quickstart manual or video: http://www.turnitin.com/static/pdf/tii_admin_qs.pdf http://www.turnitin.com/static/videos/admin_ppm.html If your school is integrating Turnitin with a supported CMS package (Blackboard, WebCT, Angel, Moodle, Shibboleth), please view the instructional video for your CMS package at http://www.turnitin.com/static/training.html. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Otherwise, to get your instructors started with Turnitin, send them your account id and join password along with this link to our instructor quickstart manual or video: http://www.turnitin.com/static/pdf/tii_instructor_qs.pdf http://www.turnitin.com/static/videos/instructor_ppm_choice.html Once instructors create a user profile, they will be asked if they want to use the instructor startup wizard. We recommend that all new users use the wizard to setup their first class and assignment. Detailed instructions on how to use our service can be found at: http://www.turnitin.com/static/training.html The usage manuals provide detailed instructions for each Turnitin user type: Administrator, Instructor, and Student. Individual subscribers should review both the administrator and instructor manuals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Help Desk If you have further usage questions, you can reach our technical support staff at http://turnitin.com/help or by phone at (510) 287-9720 x241. Thank you for signing up! We look forward to helping you and your institution promote integrity in education. Best Regards, The Turnitin Staff Turnitin Registration Department
participants (1)
by way of Sven Strasen <strasen@anglistik1.rwth-aachen.de>