A Hallmark e-card from Chiara

Greetings! We wanted to let you know that Chiara created a Hallmark.com e-card for you.To see your card, click the link below, or copy and paste this link into your Web browser's address line: http://www.hallmark.com/ECardWeb/ECardPickupView.jsp?c=EG0131791150297&msgid=17595531&n=Lqrj%7bj&e=onmmnltlqrj%7bjI%03jqxx7lxv&BAE=3&mailID=BAE_ECARD&s=wo%04%3b9%3aA&p=O%7bxqn%29%60nrqwjlq%7dnw%2a%2a%2a%16%13%16%13%5clqxnwn%29P%7b%7en%7c%7cn%29j%7e%7c%29R%7djurnw5%16%13Lqrj%7bj&f=y If you have trouble using the link we provided, please follow these steps: 1. Click this link to go to our homepage, http://www.hallmark.com 2. If this is not successful,copy and paste the link into your browser's address line. 3. Click on the "Free E-cards" link. 4. Click the link on the upper left hand side of the page that says "Pick up an e-card." 5. Enter your email address and this retrieval number: EG0131791150297 6. Click "Display Greeting. " Your e-card will be displayed. Enjoy! While you're visiting Hallmark.com, be sure to explore our other products.We offer paper cards, great gifts, beautiful flowers and more.And our e-cards are fast, fun, and free.You're sure to find something you like at Hallmark.com. With best wishes, Jody Ellis Hallmark.com P.S. Your privacy is our priority.To see our online Privacy and Security statement, please use this link: http://www.hallmark.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10001&productId=370398&catalogId=10051&tabOn=ideas
participants (1)
feddeckchiaraļ¼ yahoo.com