Hall�chen! Sorry, Nicole, hatte es erstmal nur an dich geschickt... Anyways.. Treffen morgen: werde da sein. Geschenk Wenzel: OK! Sch�ne Gr��e, Chi "Anything that is provocative is worthwhile." "I'm not used to feeling where I belong." "I'm just an incredibly gifted faker." Robert Downey Jr. You stood before me like a thought, A dream remembered in a dream. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Recollections of Love --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more

Hi, hab Frau Leuchtenberg bezahlt (20 Euro)!(hab angegeben das ca. 10 Leute im Seniorat sind, sie muß sich um ESSEN kümmern) Tanja: Wir haben 1.274,45 Euro in der Kasse! cho Hallöchen!
Sorry, Nicole, hatte es erstmal nur an dich geschickt... Anyways..
Treffen morgen: werde da sein. Geschenk Wenzel: OK!
Schöne Grüße, Chi
"Anything that is provocative is worthwhile." "I'm not used to feeling where I belong." "I'm just an incredibly gifted faker." Robert Downey Jr.
You stood before me like a thought, A dream remembered in a dream. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Recollections of Love
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participants (2)