Team of the Postcolonial Spring School (PSS) 2005
at the Free University of Berlin, April 4-8 2005
Dear Student Representatives,
we are a team of students from the FU Berlin and we are organizing a Student Conference on the New Literatures in English. This non-commercial event will take place at the FU this April, and we are currently recruiting participants all over Germany.  
We would like to ask you for a big favour: Could you forward the announcement below to the students of your English/American  Department ? That would be very helpful for us, since we have to rely to a great extent on word of mouth to make our conference known to the students.
Thank you so much for supporting our student conference.
Best wishes
Margot Kaiser
(on behalf of the team)
 Announcement for your students:
Team of the Postcolonial Spring School (PSS) 2005
at the Free University of Berlin, April 4-8 2005
Student Conference on the New Literatures in English: Calling for Participants
    Are you interested in contemporary literature in English, coming from a multicultural postcolonial background like Africa, Australia, Canada or India ? Welcome then to the Postcolonial Spring School (PSS) on the New Literatures in English at the Free University in Berlin! 
From April 4-8th in 2005, you can experience postcolonial literature and culture from all over the world in Berlin. You are warmly invited to join us, whether advanced student or newcomer. A week's programme of seminars, lectures and cultural events awaits you.
 What's in for you at the PSS?
    We have invited 35 authors and literature experts  from South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and India. You can enter the dialogue with them in seminars, where you’ll have the opportunity to acquire a  ‘Schein’ for a ‘Proseminar’ or ‘Hauptseminar’, depending on the seminar you choose.
Details on the various seminars can be found online under
    Additionally the 19 lectures offered will give you an insight into the various fields of postcolonial literature. Just take a look at our schedule under to get an overview of the different topics.
     Since it should not be all work, no play, the days’ and brains’ hard toil will be made up for by  performances, readings, an art exhibition, a movie screening and parties in the evenings. Just to give you an example, Malaysian born artist Micheline Lee from Australia will present her paintings that narrating powerful multi-layered stories of  asylum seekers' journeys. Furthermore, the award winning Canadian playwright Ian Ross will perform from his drama.
For more info on all our night events check our website
 How you can join the PSS
    You can register online under  to participate in the PSS. On our website you can find some information on your stay in Berlin and your registration. The PSS is a non-commercial student project, so in order to cover our costs we have to collect participation fees. The registration fee is Euro 85 for students and Euro 110  for professionals. For participants from Berlin who are willing to host guests the fee will be reduced to Euro 65.  The deadline for registration is March 14th, 2005. The sooner you register, the better is your chance to get a place in your favourite seminar !
 How you can contact us
We are happy to answer any question you might have. Just write an email  to
Please do us the favour to tell people you know who might be interested in joining our conference about the PSS and forward this announcement – the more the better.  Thanks for spreading the word for us !
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin !
Best wishes
 The PSS Team