Dear Seniorats, Hello. I have a problem and hope you can give me some tip to solve it. I have got an rejection letter for enrollment in English department graduate program from RWTH. The reason was only because I do NOT have a certification of German language. The letter said I have no other reason to be rejected. I highly understand this requirements of German language because things are taught in German here, of course. However I would like to know if there is any possibility for me to study there: at English department where everythings is communicable in English. As to my Deutsche knowledge, I have been already taking Deutsche course more than a year, twice a week and can communicate in Deutsche in daily life. Just I do not have reached that level which the University requires to foreign students:DSH-Level. I really would like to study about English didactics, where Prof. Wolfgang Butzkammo opens, to get a master degree. I hope you can in someway help me on this matter. If the answer is clearly absolutely NO, please just tell me so but of course this is not what I expect.... I appreciate your cooporation and waiting for your response soon. Thank you very much in advance. Yuriko Maeda Propst-Bechte-Platz3 52428 Juelich, Germany