Hallo! Ich habe gerade mal die Adresse vom Admin Account zu die Senioratsadresse gewechselt. Hier ist auch die Mail die ich von denen bekommen habe. Password und User stehen drin aber hier noch mal: Admin Login: senioratanglistik Password: sf7x41qp So hat jeder Zugang zum Admin Account :) Chiara ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: help@createforum.com <help@createforum.com> Date: May 25, 2007 4:37 PM Subject: Free phpBB forum Setup To: chiarafeddeck@gmail.com Welcome CREATEFORUM Free PHPBB Forum Hosting Client, Your free phpbb forum has been set up. Below you will find your information, as well as a small FAQ that may help answer some of your questions. ========== PREMIUM HOSTING ========== http://www.noeclue.com/ - Shared hosting starting at $7.50 with 10000Mb space and 25000Mb premium transfer. ========== IMPORTANT WARNING ========== 1. CREATEFORUM dedicated reviewer team will review all our free forums regularly manually and will turn forum which clearly violates our terms of service off without any warning! 2. Only forum which has more than 50 postings will be backed up daily & weekly automatically. 3. To prevent spamming bots on your forum, please disable any guest/public posting privilege. 4. Inactive forums (no posting by registered members within 60 days) will be removed automatically. ========== ACCOUNT INFO ========== Your free phpbb forum has been set up at the following address: http://www.createforum.com/senioratanglist/ Admin Login: senioratanglistik Password: sf7x41qp (If you cant login, please try clearing your computer cookies.) Ads removal is available from your admin panel -> ads removal ========== HACKING PREVENTION ========== 1. Do not share your admin account. 2. Do not grant other users admin right. 3. Password must be a combination of alpha-numeric & symbolic. 4. Update anti-spyware, anti-virus, and personal firewall with latest definition. 5. Clear your cookies & cached files after accessing admin panel from public computers. ========== SEARCH ENGINES & TRAFFIC STATS ========== In order to get listed by search engines faster, CREATEFORUM recommends you to submit your forum url using free search engines submission at http://www.http-tools.com/promoter/signup/signup.html (Available in September 2006) You may view your forum traffic statistics from the following address: http://www.createforum.com/phpbb/counter/stats.php?i=38607 ========== SUPPORT INFO ========== Please register and use our support forum at http://www.createforum.com/support. We will not reply to any queries sent via email. ========== PHPBB MODIFICATIONS ========== Free forum hosted at CREATEFORUM will be pre-installed with the following mods: activity & arcade, admin user list, advance captcha, bank, calendar, cash, chatbox, disable forum post count, disallow guest url/website/email posting, extended color ranks, ezportal, free url submitter, global announcement, guest visual confirmation, humanizer, individual forum web traffic statistics (currently switched off), integrated shoutbox, jobs, logo customizer, lottery, memberlist access, profile access, quick reply, rss (coming soon), shop, spam bots detection, syndicate file hosting (coming soon), viewing ip address upon registration, auto bots removal (global), bad words removal (global), block bad referrer (global), block proxy sites (global). You may turn on/off most of the mods from your admin panel ========== TERMS OF SERVICE ========== You MUST COMPLY to our terms of service at all time to avoid account removal - http://www.createforum.com/tos.html. Site MUST NOT include: 1. Violence or racial intolerance. 2. Illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia. 3. Gambling or casino-related content. 4. Pornographic, XXX material, exploitation of minors, adult, babes or mature content. 5. Excessive profanity/vulgar languages. 6. Hacking/cracking content. 7. Illegal MP3/Movie/Applications/Torrent/P2P/Emule link (It is also illegal to provide links to illegal files hosted on other websites). 8. Illicit or illegal content (Including yahoo rares, yahoo cracks, etc). 9. Bigotry, racism, hatred, material which may be insulting to another person(s) or company. 10. Copyrighted material, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights used without proper authorization, material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws. 11. Mail fraud, pyramid schemes. 12. Redirection to another services. 13. Paid-to-surf, autosurf and banner/traffic exchange programs, robots or any deceptive software. 14. Intentionally or Un-intentionally attempting to remove or hide our advertisement. 15. Display any other ads network or banners. ========== UNSUBSCRIBE ========== This email is delivered to a new account registration, and contains information about your account. If you have any questions or comments about this mailing, please contact help@createforum.com