Hello! I am planning to study 2 semesters of English Literature in Aachen, if it is possible. I already have a Magister degree in economics and I am not enrolled in any university anymore but has been working for 5 years. So, is this course a full time course or should I apply to more than one course to study simultaneously? I have spoke to the admission dept and he will send me some info on how to apply with Betreuungsbestätigung. I was interested to find our from you also the schedule of the course? What do you study? Best regards, Helene Helene Pettersson Global Securities Lending, Securities Services SEB Merchant Banking Telephone: + 46 8 763 5087 Mobile: +46 70 763 5087 Telefax: +46 8 478 0294 Postal address: 106 40 Stockholm Visiting address: Rissneleden 110 E-mail: helene.e.pettersson@seb.se The content of this e-mail is intended only for the confidential use of the person to whom it is addressed. Any opinions expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily those of any of the companies in Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ). There is no guarantee that this message is either private or confidential, and it may have been altered without your or our knowledge. Any views expressed in relation to the financial performance of any entity or market should not be relied upon, and are not necessarily the opinions of any SEB entity.