python test_pretrained_model.py --tokenizer_folder pretrained_models/ --threshold 0.5 --model_dir pretrained_models --website_to_test 'https://sso.rwth-aachen.de/idp/profile/SAML2/Redirect/SSO?execution=e1s1'
Tokenizer files have been loaded and the vocab size is 10000...
Model loaded...
Document frequency dictionary loaded...
Loading webpage...
--> Probability that the website is phishing: 54.00
--> Based on your threshold of 0.50, this website is +++'PHISHING'+++
Gefährlich, diese Loginseiten… Am 28.02.20 um 12:05 schrieb Bernd Kohler:
Hallo zusammen,
sofern nicht selber schon gesehen/-lesen hier [0] FYI
"Phishytics – Machine Learning for Detecting Phishing Websites"
(den Quell-Code gibt es auf [1])
[0] https://faizanahmad.tech/blog/2020/02/phishytics-machine-learning-for-phishi...
[1] https://github.com/faizann24/phishytics-machine-learning-for-phishing
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