Hallo zusammen, sophos war so nett mir eine email zu schreiben, dass es Probleme mit den letzten Windows < 10 Updates und dem sophos client gibt. Ich habe jetzt nach dem letzten Windows Update auch zwei Windows7 Systeme, die extrem langsam geworden sind. Viele Grüße Frank Knoben -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Windows security update can cause computers running Sophos Endpoint on select O/S versions to fail or hang on reboot Date: 11 Apr 2019 15:25:18 -0400 From: Sophos <news@sophos.com> Reply-To: DACH Partner Alias <partner@sophos.de> To: frank@igpm.rwth-aachen.de Sophos | Cybersecurity made simple. Microsoft has released security updates that are impacting some security AV vendors... &nbs p; Sophos Sollte diese E-Mail nicht richtig angezeigt werden, klicken Sie bitte hier <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/es?s=1777052651&e=686640&elqTrackId=e279c511881c468c9c136eeb565cb711&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> | Whitelist einrichten <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=731&elqTrackId=87029144afd44d779099245cb8863f3a&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1>. Sophos Sophos Partner Program Dear Sophos Partner, Microsoft has released security updates that are impacting some security AV vendors, causing some of their customers using Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 2008 R2, and Windows 2012 to occasionally experience system fails or hangs during boot up after application of the update. A small number of Sophos customers have reported experiencing this issue. Sophos is working very closely with Microsoft to resolve the issue. Microsoft has introduced a temporary block to stop computers not already affected from applying the latest Windows security update. Additionally, we have a work around for those impacted customers. *How do I know if my customer is impacted?* To be impacted, customers must meet all the criteria below. If they do not meet all the criteria, then they are not impacted. 1. Running Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 2008 R2, or Windows 2012 2. Running any Sophos Windows endpoint or server product except Sophos Central Intercept X. (Note: this does impact Intercept X Advanced and Intercept X Advanced with EDR.) 3. Have applied the latest Windows security update *and *have rebooted after the update is complete *Important note:* If customers have not yet rebooted, they should uninstall the latest Microsoft security update before rebooting As the majority of Sophos customers do not seem to be affected, it is possible that during the ongoing investigation additional criteria will be added to further limit the scope of impacted customers. KBA 133945 <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=8841&elqTrackId=9c9a302821d3420c9715bdd4ad390a67&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> will continue to be updated with the latest information. *How do I help an impacted customer?* The latest information about this issue and remediation steps are documented in KBA 133945 <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=8841&elqTrackId=5dce191167f54839a394eb81029f3412&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1>. We are notifying all Sophos Endpoint customers via email to inform them of this situation. The KBA will continue to be updated with the latest information. Your Sophos Team Sophos Blog <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=722&elqTrackId=0ac67c1fb1964576972e63fa785ce224&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> Twitter <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=721&elqTrackId=bbf3a327abe14f028281c0cfb741f560&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> Facebook <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=720&elqTrackId=dafc032836ec464695bf54409ec4eeb4&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> YouTube <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=7&elqTrackId=320a1de24f5043059965cd73795eb645&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> Sophos Logo <http://www.sophos.com?elqTrackId=9823bbbf25a843f79b8611c07c3bfefc&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=33344> www.sophos.de <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=750&elqTrackId=7880f5171195485bb15bb8545c024995&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> © 2019 Sophos Ltd. No. 2096520. Alle Rechte vorbehalten <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=739&elqTrackId=6d969817e3c14fc189587eebb48c960e&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> | Datenschutzrichtlinie <http://app.go.sophos.com/e/er?s=1777052651&lid=738&elqTrackId=a4f8da17b0144daa97619c07e82954d2&elq=cf89275fc0d7469fb1b6f11a2b94bf54&elqaid=7674&elqat=1> The Pentagon, Abingdon Science Park, OX14 3YP, United Kingdom. Geschäftsführer: Nicholas Bray, Pino von Kienlin, Wolfgang Hilpert, Jennifer Onslow; Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 25915, USt.-ID Nr. DE189 689 369 Sophos und Sophos Anti-Virus sind eingetragene Warenzeichen von Sophos Ltd. und Sophos Group. In dieser E-Mail werden Cookies und ähnliche Tracking-Technologien genutzt. 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