Hallo zusammen, sofern nicht selber schon gesehen/-lesen hier [0] FYI "PyPi package backdoors Macs using the Sliver pen-testing suite" --> "... mimicked the popular 'requests' library on the Python Package Index (PyPI) ..." --> "... several steps and obfuscation layers, including using steganography in a PNG image file to covertly install the Sliver payload on the target ..." --> malicious Python package for macOS named 'requests-darwin-lite,' VG Bernd [0] https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/pypi-package-backdoors-macs-u... -- Bernd Kohler IT Center Abteilung: Netze RWTH Aachen University Wendlingweg 10 52074 Aachen Tel: +49 241 80-29793 Fax: +49 241 80-22666 kohler@itc.rwth-aachen.de https://www.itc.rwth-aachen.de Social Media Kanäle des IT Centers: https://blog.rwth-aachen.de/itc/ https://www.facebook.com/itcenterrwth https://www.linkedin.com/company/itcenterrwth https://twitter.com/ITCenterRWTH https://www.youtube.com/c/ITCenterRWTHAachen