You should specify that you only deal with direct mode AD. Then in the abstract the derivative program computes the function f and its derivatives f'. The percentage you quote are not general enough to be used as arguments in the abstract. Author resPonse: Only qualified percentages remain in the abstract. Direct mode stipulated. As you do not define precisely "activity analysis" you should cite a paper that does it. For example in pages 1393...1395 "An automatic differentiation platform: Odyssee", C.Faure, Future Generation Computer Systems 21 (2005) 1391--1400. Author response: added. In section 1 you use the term "input/output of conern" instead of the standard term "(in-)dependent". Author response: changes made. p 2. section 2. :The last sentence is not correct. If the number of independent is small the gain could be large. Author response: changes made. p 3. section 2. :The term "inaccuracies" is not good. It is accurate but cannot be decide using static analysis. The paragraph from "Activity analysis" to "not be the case" should be rewritten. Author response: paragraph has been rewritten. p 3. section 3. :Why did you choose ADIC and OpenAD. The fact that your analysis is done with fortran and C makes it weaker as both languages cannot be compared. Author response: ADIC and OpenAD were chosen because they were readily available to the authors. p4. section 3. : In paragraph "At runtime ... "to inactive". You do not give the activity flag in the second case. Author response: activity flag is global to the sentence and pertains to both cases. The value of the activity flag is given for each case. In tables 1.2. it would be clearer if you put the number of input/output w.r.t the total number of variables instead on the names of variables. Author response: The names of the variables are given to document which AD code was generated for our experiments. Should anyone want to attempt to duplicate our results, they would want to know the independent and dependent variables we stipulated. However, the total number of variables (in the original code as well as in the AD code) would be an interesting statistic. The size category gives the dimension sizes of independent array variables. p5. section 4.1: You should not talk about your scripting tool as it is used to generate a library if I am correct. The fact that is is generated or hand written does not change anything. Give a clear name to the strategies. The only meaningfull information is static/dynamic/no activity analysis. You give at the same time informations about implementation: macro/proc/hand. It makes the tables very unclear. Author response: Good point. Removed all references to various implementation modes. Showed only autoMacro as Dynamic. P 6. section 4.2: You analysis the results about percentage of activity in the variable. But this information appears no where in the tables. Can you add it. Author response: yes. It is now included in the C benchmarks graph. p 7. section 5.1.: Why did you choose a must-may activity instead of a must-must analsis? An overhead is still present ... Author response: Our proposed hybrid approach looks to decrease the number of activity flag checks by statically determining the memory refences of the mayActive variables where we know they will be MustVary. It is at those memory references that we can exclude the activity check. The knowledge of MustUseful as opposed to MayUseful does not add any usable information for our hybrid approach. I believe the overhead that you claim is still present is that of derivitive code that may no longer be needed at the point in the code where a mayActive variable can be classified as notUseful. If a variable can be classified as not useful then it is not considered active and no dynamic check is done. p 7. fig 5.: Why did you choose these examples ? All along the paper, you do not seem to face the problem of activity analysis w.r.t to arrays or structures. If you consider all the cells of an an array to have the same activity status you should say so. This by itself leads to an overhead in static mode, but the dynamic activity analysis does not solve the problem. Or you should duplicate the arrays. Author response: Currently in OpenAnalysis, the activity of an array cell agrees with the activity of the array. It is currently on the OpenAnalysis "to do" list to expand their treatment of arrays to subsets of array cells. Dynamically, of course, we can track the activity of individual array cells.