Hello, I am an undergraduate student at Arizona State University and I'm trying to do research using OpenMesh. I am just starting to learn how to compile and build projects and I had a few questions I was hoping you could answer. 1.) Do I need to compile OpenMesh first using Cmake or can I start with the tutorial, "OpenMesh: How to create your own project using OpenMesh"? They both seem to be doing the same thing. 2.) When I follow the steps to build a cube and use cmake it converts the source file into a bunch of vcxproj.filters files. Is this normal? 3.) How can I actually view the output of the cube? Is it possible to open the cube in visual basic, and compile it in there? Thanks in advance, William <https://www.openmesh.org/media/Documentations/OpenMesh-Doc-Latest/a01176.html>
participants (1)
Billy Zinser