Dear OpenMesh maintainers, When assigning a mesh as follows meshB.assign_connectivity(meshA); with meshA comprising a vertex status property, meshB.release_vertex_status(); makes OpenMesh crash. The reason seems to be that meshB has a "valid" vertex status property handle, but not a vertex status property. I attached a minimal example to reproduce. I suspect this bug to have been introduced by this commit https://graphics.rwth-aachen.de:9000/OpenMesh/OpenMesh/commit/29cbe820484749... best regards, Simon -- Dr. Simon Flöry Rechenraum e.U. Stutterheimstraße 16-18/2/20a, 1150 Wien, Austria phone: +43 (0)1 789061269 mobile: +43 (0)681 81502316 skype: simon.floery Commercial Register No. FN 385715d (Handelsgericht Wien) This e-mail contains confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, you must not disclose nor use the contents of this e-mail. In case you have received this e-mail in error, we ask you to inform us and delete this e-mail.