Hello, I have a question about the mesh traits included with OpenMesh. When I want to use a (Tri)Mesh with double precision, it seems that I need to copy DefaultTraits from traits.hh to define my own mesh traits. The default traits are mostly fine, but single precision. Are there somewhere official double precision traits? Currently I define my own traits by copying default traits and changing the vector types to Vec3d, but this requires careful handling when linking libraries to use the same mesh structure, making the build system and includes more complicated. It would be nice, if something like template<typedef Scalar> struct DefaultTraits { typedef OpenMesh::VectorT<Scalar, 3> Point; ... } could be added to a future OpenMesh release, so the same standard data structure could be reused from OpenMesh instead of bundling an own traits struct with the code. Please CC me in answers, as I am currently no member of the list. with kind regards, Alexander Schier