Hello, For my research, I need to open with OpenMesh PLY files generated by MeshLab whose faces contain a texture index (texnumber) and texture coordinates (texcoord). So I implemented these features for both ascii PLY and binary PLY. You will find in attachment the patch that corresponds to these modifications. Best regards, GRÉGOIRE GRZECZKOWICZ Doctorant en modélisation 3D de milieux urbain Laboratoire en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information Géographique (LASTIG<https://www.umr-lastig.fr>) Acquisition et Traitment de données Image/Lidar/Radar (ACTE<https://www.umr-lastig.fr/acte>) DIRECTION DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE L'INFORMATION ECOLE NATIONALE DES SCIENCES GÉOGRAPHIQUES 73, AVENUE DE PARIS, 94165 ST MANDE CEDEX - ign.fr<https://ign.fr/> - geoportail.gouv.fr<https://www.geoportail.gouv.fr/> [République Française / IGN]