Hi, I fixed the Language Parameter in our master. It will be part of our next release. Regards, Jan Möbius On 25/01/2021 14:23, Fabian Kessler wrote:
Dear OpenMesh Devs,
currently it is impossible to report bugs or feature requests, since this only works for registered users on your private gitlab server. It would be nice, if you migrate to the global git-server of the RWTH (https://git.rwth-aachen.de <https://git.rwth-aachen.de>). Then nearly every student and every GitHub user could participate.
For the latest release I have an issue, which is only partially fixed in the current master: The hole cmake-project has some if-branches which are only triggered, when the project is build as external-project. Those depend on a the same check:
``` # Disable package building when built as an external library
if(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} MATCHES "OpenMesh") ``` This only worked, because you don’t set the project when OpenMesh is build as subproject. But this had the issue, that OpenMesh is not compileable when the parent project did not defined to use `C` as language.
In version 9.0.0~dev you decided to define the project every time which sticks to the conventions. Good so far! But the LANGUAGE parameter is still not set there. And the project is not buildable anymore as subproject.
To solve this I propose to add `CXX C` to the LANGUAGE parameter of the project command. Also all checks to the ` CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME ` variable should be replaced by a cache-variable `OPENMESH_BUILD_STANDALONE`, which is defined before the project command.
Generally all CMake files are outdated and should be overhauled to use newer conventions: - [ ] use more CMake targets - [ ] export targets correctly (should be exported to the same namespace as they are installed) - [ ] update CMake version to e.g. 3.15
- [ ] …
King regards,
Fabian Keßler
Fabian Keßler | Studentischer Beschäftigter
Optomet GmbH | Pfungstädter Straße 92 | 64297 Darmstadt | Deutschland
Fax: +49 6151 3688460 | https://www.optomet.com/de <https://www.optomet.com/de/>
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-- Jan Möbius Department of Computer Science VIII Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany Phone ++49 (0)241 80-21802 Fax ++49 (0)241 80-22899 mailto:moebius@cs.rwth-aachen.de http://www.rwth-graphics.de