Hi all, I am Openflipper newer, and try to add below code in slotRemesh function of IsotropicRemesherPlugin class that in IsotropicRemesherPlugin.cc. Then run Isotropic Remesher Plugin in Openflipper, reading stl file ok, but runtime exception occurs. Ask for help, thanks in advance. //! function in IsotropicRemesherPlugin.cc void IsotropicRemesherPlugin::slotRemesh() { //! original code .... { //! add code const char *infilename = "./Remesh_Before.stl"; const char *outfilename = "./Remesh_2.0.stl"; TriMesh mesh2; if (!OpenMesh::IO::read_mesh(mesh2, infilename)) { std::cout << "chenbk read error\n"; return; } else { std::cout << "chenbk read ok\n"; } //mesh.update_normals(); //! re-mesh IsotropicRemesher<TriMesh> remesher2; remesher2.remesh(mesh2, 2.0); //! runtime exception! mesh2.update_normals(); if (!OpenMesh::IO::write_mesh(mesh2, outfilename)) { std::cout << "chenbk write error\n"; return; } else { std::cout << "chenbk write ok\n"; } } .... } thanks,
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