Re: [Openflipper] Openflipper Digest, Vol 46, Issue 2

Hi,Jan MöbiusThe debug output and stack call information are as follow in the picture( can you see the picture this time, I don't know why the pictures were missing in the maillist last time) I was trying to compile the latest version 19104 in 64bit.The same error occured when I load an obj mesh file to test. There were some minor errors in cmake configure, but just the problem of failing to find relevant paths of some libs. I fixed it by add customed path. Additional pulgins are:Plugin-ComponetsPlugin-DatacontrolPlugin-FileBundlePlugin-FileOBJPlugin-FileOFFPlugin-InfoVolumeMeshObjectPlugin-INIPlugin-Render-ClassicPlugin-TopologyPlugin-ViewControl Best Regards,Longhua
From: Subject: Openflipper Digest, Vol 46, Issue 2 To: Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:00:03 +0200
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Question in compiling openflipper (BundleUtilities) and segement fault when loading an obj file (Jan Möbius)
Message: 1 Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 16:55:47 +0200 From: Jan Möbius <> To: <> Subject: Re: [Openflipper] Question in compiling openflipper (BundleUtilities) and segement fault when loading an obj file Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
which OF Version did you use? We added a lot of Qt5 stuff in the last svn commits. So maybe you can try the latest svn revision and check if the problem still exists.
Some other questions: - Do you compile 64 or 32 bit? The dlls are 32-bit. Is qt also 32-bit? - Are there any errors or warnings in the cmake run? - Do you use any additional plugins/libraries? - When building in debug mode, are there any non debug qt libraries linked? (You can't mix debug and release with qt) - Do you have a stack trace of the crash?
Best, Jan Möbius
On 16.06.2014 03:02, ??? wrote:
Hi sir, I am a gradutate student majored in CG, trying to use your convinient and excellent framework. My programming environment is Win7 64bit + VS2012 + Qt 5.2 However, I failed to compile the source code at the very last step. The error message is as follows:
5> -- verified='0' 5> -- info='external prerequisites found: 5> f='D:/opensource/source_code/OpenFlipper/build/Build/OpenFlipper.exe' 5> external_prereqs='ADVAPI32.dll;CRYPT32.dll;DNSAPI.dll;GDI32.dll;GLU32.dll;KERNEL32.dll;OPENGL32.dll;SHELL32.dll;USER32.dll;VCOMP110D.DLL;VERSION.dll;WINMM.dll;WS2_32.dll;ole32.dll' 5> ' 5> -- 5> CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake:784 (message): 5>CUSTOMBUILD : error : verify_app failed 5> Call Stack (most recent call first): 5> C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake 2.8/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/BundleUtilities.cmake:666 (verify_app) 5> (fixup_bundle)
each external dll would provoke such a warning like:
5>CUSTOMBUILD : warning : cannot resolve item 'WS2_32.dll' 5> 5> possible problems: 5> need more directories? 5> need to use InstallRequiredSystemLibraries? 5> run in install tree instead of build tree? 5> 5>CUSTOMBUILD : -- warning : gp_resolved_file_type non-absolute file 'WS2_32.dll' returning type 'other' -- possibly incorrect
I've tried to add the dll's path to the cmake file, but it did not make any difference. Anyway, this problem solely prevents packing all dependencies to the Build Directory. Then, I tried to run the exe file in debug configuration. The whole interface is correctly opened. Unfotunately, when I started loading an obj file, the program corrupted, the output and stack information are shown as below:
? I'd really appreciate it for your kind reply.
Best, Longhua
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-- Dipl.Inform. Jan Möbius Department of Computer Science VIII Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone ++49 (0)241 80-21802 Fax ++49 (0)241 80-22899
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