Hello, I followed this tutorial http://www.openflipper.org/media/Documentation/OpenFlipper-1.3/ovm_tutorial_... to add properties to edges of a Polyhedral Mesh. The properties are set correctly. I can for example, iterate over all edges and print their property values. However, when I use the Property Visualisation plugin of OpenFlipper, the property I set is shown as zero for all edges. Does someone know what is wrong? Here it is my code: int cur_insert_id = -1; PolyhedralMesh* cur_volume_obj = 0; emit addEmptyObject(DATA_POLYHEDRAL_MESH,cur_insert_id); BaseObjectData *obj; PluginFunctions::getObject(cur_insert_id, obj); obj->target(false); PolyhedralMesh* cur_polyhedral_mesh = PluginFunctions::polyhedralMesh(obj); OpenVolumeMesh::EdgePropertyT<double> angle = cur_polyhedral_mesh->request_edge_property<double>("Edge Angles"); for(OpenVolumeMesh::EdgeIter e_it = cur_polyhedral_mesh->edges_begin(); e_it != cur_polyhedral_mesh->edges_end(); ++e_it) { double ang = 0; … angle[*e_it] = std::abs(ang); } emit updatedObject(obj->id(),UPDATE_ALL); Thx very much in advance -- Renata Lúcia M. E. do Rêgo
participants (1)
Renata Rêgo