Hi Pieter, On 25.07.2013 01:46, Pieter Barendrecht wrote:
Hi Jan,
Thanks for your reply! I'm not sure which scrolling approach makes the most sense. Blender's approach is based on the viewer — scrolling forward moves the viewer closer to the object. On the other hand, OpenFlipper's approach is based on the object — scrolling forward moves the object further away. In short, I appreciate the checkbox you added :).
I think there is no right solution, except to let the user decide which direction is best.
With regard to the bug reports, the bugtracking service seems to be unavailable at the moment. Is this intentional?
No, we had a crash yesterday. Should be up again.
Additionally, I wondered whether anyone is working on support for .vtu files (unstructured meshes)? I'm currently using ParaView for these, but it would be great if I could use OpenFlipper instead (e.g. it compiles a lot faster, and I find the interface to be much more intuitive). Currently nobody is working on the vtu format. We only have support for vtk at the moment. Additionally there is the assimp file plugin in the staging branch, which uses libassimp to load data, which allows various other formats, but not vtu.
Best, Jan
Best, Pieter
On Mon, 22 Jul 2013 10:20:47 +0200 Jan Möbius <moebius@cs.rwth-aachen.de> wrote:
On 18.07.2013 20:24, Pieter Barendrecht wrote:
I've been using OpenFlipper for visualization purposes for some time now, I'm quite impressed by the available options (e.g. the number of supported file formats and plugins)! There are a few questions/remarks/suggestions I'd like to ask:
1.) Scrolling up in the viewer results in zooming out, scrolling down results in zooming in. Since I'm an avid Blender user, I'm used to the opposite scrolling behaviour. Is there a way to modify this in OpenFlipper? I could of course change it in the source and re-compile it, but this is not exactly the ideal solution :).
personnaly i think blender is using the wrong direction ;-). I commited a new patch to the svn which adds an invert checkbox to the options dialog.
2.) When loading an object (e.g. a .vtk file containing a model consisting of hexahedral cells), the cells are displayed in white. However, the option at 'View' → 'Color schemes' → 'Default colors' results in the cells being displayed in grey. Can this option be invoked when a new object is loaded? Added to tracking system as Bug #1696. The color plugin is not maintained very well. Usually you can set the default color via Options->General Viewer Settings -> Default Color. I have to check, if the vtk plugin uses this setting.
3.) In an earlier version, it was possible to display the hexahedral mesh (flat shaded) and the irregular edges simultaneously, which was a very nice option. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to do this in the new version. Is it still possible? BTS-> Bug #1697
I'm currently using OpenFlipper v1.4, just compiled it from source. Might be useful to mention that I'm working on an Arch Linux system (64 bit). While compiling, I got a lot of warnings:
warning Detected QT Version higher than 4.8.4! warning OpenFlipper has not been tested with this QT Version.
The version of QT installed on my system is 4.8.5 (as well as QT 5). So far, no problems in OpenFlipper! Thanks for the report. We also updated some build daemons -> works fine. Upgraded tested version to 4.8.5 ( Qt5 is also working partially and will be supported soon)
Best, Jan Möbius
Best regards,
Pieter Barendrecht Eindhoven University of Technology
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-- Dipl.Inform. Jan Möbius Department of Computer Science VIII Aachen University of Technology (RWTH) Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany Phone ++49 (0)241 80-21802 Fax ++49 (0)241 80-22899 mailto:moebius@cs.rwth-aachen.de http://www.rwth-graphics.de