today we released OpenMesh 3.0. OpenMesh 3.0 is fully backward
compatible with the 2.x branch. We marked some functions which should
not be used anymore as deprecated and added hints which functions should
be used instead.
The most important change in this release is that we reimplemented all
circulators to be STL compliant. There are also various minor bug fixes
and compatibility changes for new compilers included.
As usual the full changelog is available on our Website:
Jan Möbius
Some hints on what changed regarding iterator usage:
// stl compliance
Deprecated: vh_iter.handle()
New: *vh_iter
// stl compliance and cleaner code
// This change makes sure, that we don't get wrong implicit casts to
// bool anymore
Deprecated: while( vf_iter )
New: while( vf_iter.is_valid() )
If you dereference the iterator ( *vf_iter) you will get the handle. It
is now also possible to use the -> operator. E.g.:
vf_iter->idx() //Get the index of the handle at the current iterator pos
Dipl.Inform. Jan Möbius
Department of Computer Science VIII
Aachen University of Technology (RWTH)
Ahornstrasse 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Phone ++49 (0)241 80-21802
Fax ++49 (0)241 80-22899