Dear Mehmet,
Op 25 nov. 2015, om 22:17 heeft Mehmet E Bakir <mebakir1@sheffield.ac.uk> het volgende geschreven:
As part of my PhD research, I am using MRMC for statistical model checkering. For a given model(tra) and a property, I need to know how much time MRMC spends for (i)parsing the model, (ii)generating its simulation, and (iii)the time spend for property verification.
Is it possible to somehow access these informations?
I propose that you instrument the function parseInParamsAndInitialize() in file src/mcc.c to measure the time (i). The time of (ii) and (iii) together is already measured in the function modelCheckFormulaTree() in file src/io/parser/parser_to_core.c. You can change the calls to startTimer() and stopTimer() in this function to split the two steps. Kind regards, David N. Jansen.