Parallel Programming in CE&S: March 23-27, 2009 in Aachen, Germany

Please, save the date: Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science Tutorials March 23-27, 2009 in Aachen, Germany The event will continue the tradition of previous annual SunHPC events taking place in Aachen since 2001. We will cover parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI in Fortran and C/C++ on Linux, Windows and Solaris platforms. You will soon find detailed information at kind regards Dieter -- Dipl.-Math. Dieter an Mey, HPC Team Lead RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication Rechen- und Kommunikationszentrum der RWTH Aachen Seffenter Weg 23, D 52074 Aachen (Germany) Phone: + 49 241 80 24377 - Fax/UMS: + 49 241 80 624377
participants (1)
Dieter an Mey