Parallel Programming Seminar (PPCES), March 23-27 in Aachen, Germany

Kind Invitation to a one week Seminar in Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science PPCES 3-2009 Monday, March 23 - Friday, March 27, 2009 in Aachen, Germany Introduction ------------ This event continues the tradition of previous annual SunHPC events taking place in Aachen since 2001. These have been orga- nized by the RWTH Aachen University in collaboration with Sun Mi- crosystems. We keep evolving the format over the years. With the shift to Intel Xeon based hardware in our Center, we also shift the focus of the tutorials towards Linux and Windows. After an introduction into the programming development environ- ments and parallel computer architectures, we will cover parallel programming using OpenMP and MPI in Fortran and C/C++ on Linux, Windows and Solaris platforms. Lectures will be complemented by practical exercises. Starting on Monday afternoon, we give basic introductions into the programming development environments on the platforms avail- able for the lab exercises during the following days. Those who feel comfortable with their favourite platform are welcome to skip these basic introductions on Monday afternoon or to take the opportunity to get hands on the other ones. At our Center we try to serve Linux, Windows and Solaris equally well. Participants ------------ Attendees should be comfortable with C/C++ or Fortran programming and interested in learning more about the technical details of application tuning and parallelization. The presentations will be given in English language. Speakers -------- We are happy to welcome Ruud van der Pas from Sun Microsystems as the main speaker of the seminar. We also invited Andrey Semin from Intel who will talk about the upcoming Intel Nehalem proces- sor architecture. Furthermore,presentations will be given by mem- bers of the Aachen HPC team. Costs ----- There is no seminar fee. Breaks and the social dinner are kindly sponsored by the companies Sun, Intel and Microsoft. All other costs are at the expenses of the participants. Registration and further information ------------------------------------ Allocation is on a first come, first served basis, as we are limi- ted in capacity. The registration deadline is March 16, 2009 Sponsors -------- The event is kindly sponsored by: Intel, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems Contact ------- Dieter an Mey Phone: +49 (0) 241/80-24377 E-mail: kind regards, Dieter an Mey -- Dipl.-Math. Dieter an Mey, HPC Team Lead RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication Rechen- und Kommunikationszentrum der RWTH Aachen Seffenter Weg 23, D 52074 Aachen (Germany) Phone: + 49 241 80 24377 - Fax: + 49 241 80 624377
participants (1)
Herr Dieter an Mey