Announcement and kind invitation ... Writing Efficient Programs in C++ Tutorial and Workshop Time Tutorial Mon, Sept 23, 14:00 - 17:30 Tue, Sept 24, 9:00 - 17:30 Wed, Sept 25, 9:00 - 17:30 Thu, Sept 26, 9:00 - 17:30 Tuning Workshop Fri, Sept 27, 9:00 - 12:30 Location Aachen University (RWTH) Center for Computing and Communication Speakers Jörg Striegnitz (Research Center Jülich, ZAM) Ruud van der Pas (Sun Microsystems, Application Performance Specialist HPC) Tutorial This tutorial intends to make C++ programmers aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the C++ programming language in the field of scientific computing. It will begin with a short introduction into basic performance tuning aspects and the Sun programming environment (compilers and performance analyzer) and will then focus on C++ specific programming techniques. Classes, inheritance, operator overloading, and polymorphism are very suitable and powerful tools for programming at a high level of abstraction. Unfortunately, especially the use of these concepts is often very contrary to the expectation of high performance. Recently, new techniques have been developed that help to bring in line a high level of abstraction and high performance. Some of these concepts are template meta-programming, expression templates, traits classes, partial and lazy evaluation. During this course the cost of C++ abstractions will be investigated and thoroughly explained; several solutions to overcome the abstraction penalty will be presented and applied during the exercises. Registration for the Tutorial is mandatory until Sept 15. Tuning Workshop In this tuning workshop we are particularly interested in helping users of our Sun Fire SMP Cluster to improve the efficiency of their applications. There is no open registration for the Tuning Workshop. Participation is after personal consultation only. Cost The event is organized in cooperation with the Aachen University (RWTH), the Research Center Jülich, and Sun Microsystems. There is no seminar fee. All other costs (e.g. travel, hotel, and consumptions) are at your own expenses. Contact, registration and further information http://www.rz.rwth-aachen.de/hpc/talks/HPC++2002/ kind regards Dieter an Mey -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dieter an Mey High Performance Computing Hochleistungsrechnen Aachen University of Technology Rechen- und Kommunikations- Center for Computing and Communication zentrum der RWTH Aachen phone: ++49-(0)241-80-24377 Seffenter Weg 23 fax: ++49-(0)241-80-22134 52074 Aachen, Germany email: anmey@rz.rwth-aachen.de --------------------------------------------------------------------