Kind Invitation to a one week Seminar in Parallel Programming in Computational Engineering and Science PPCES 2011 Monday, March 21 - Friday, March 25, 2011 in Aachen, Germany http://www.rz.rwth-aachen.de/ppces Introduction: ------------ This event continues the tradition of previous annual HPC events taking place in Aachen since 2001. These have been organized by the RWTH Aachen University in collaboration with many external experts. For this year we have planned a special introduction session on Monday to present the new HPC-cluster to be delivered by Bull. During the remainder of the week, we will cover Serial Programming, Tuning, Debugging and Processor Architectures (Tuesday), Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP (Wednesday), Message Passing with MPI (Thursday) and GPGPU Programming on Friday. Some of these lectures will feature hands-on sessions. We will also have a Social Dinner on Wednesday evening in the Kazan Restaurant kindly provided by our sponsors. Participants: ------------ Attendees should be comfortable with C/C++ or Fortran programming and interested in learning more about the technical details of application tuning and parallelization on their favored platform (Windows or Linux). The presentations will be given in English language. Speakers: -------- We are happy to welcome Dieter an Mey (RWTH), Thomas Warschko (Bull), Herbert Cornelius (Intel), Jean-Pierre Panziera (Bull), Christian Bischof (RWTH), Ruud van der Pas (Oracle) and Felix Wolf (German Research School for Simulation Science) for our Monday event. The remainder of the week will be covered by Ruud van der Pas (Oracle), Michael Wolfe (PGI) and speakers of the HPC Team of the RWTH Aachen University. Costs: ----- There is no seminar fee, all other costs (e.g. travel, hotel, and consumption) are at your own expenses. Registration and further information: ------------------------------------ Allocation is on a first come, first served basis, as we are limited in capacity. Please register separately for any session you intend to participate: http://www.rz.rwth-aachen.de/ppces The registration deadline is March 14, 2011 Sponsors: -------- The event is kindly sponsored by: Intel, Microsoft and Bull Contact: -------- Tim Cramer Tel.: +49 241 80 24924 Fax/UMS: + 49 241 80 624924 E-mail: hpcevent@rz.rwth-aachen.de -- Dipl.-Ing. Tim Cramer - High Performance Computing, RWTH Aachen University, Center for Computing and Communication Seffenter Weg 23, D 52074 Aachen (Germany) Tel: +49 241/80-24924