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February 2005
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions
Kind invitation ...
SunHPC 2005
High Performance Computing
on the Sun Fire SMP-Cluster
March 14 - March 18, 2005
RWTH Aachen University
Center for Computing and Communication
Aachen, Germany
Part I: Tuning Serial Applications
Part II: Shared Memory Parallelization
Part III: Distributed Memory Parallelization using MPI
>>> Introduction
Have you wanted to know more how to optimize a technical, scientific
application for a modern microprocessor? Are you interested in
learning about parallelization? Now is the time to learn!
We will focus on serial program tuning, as well as tuning shared and
distributed memory parallel applications using automatic parallelization,
OpenMP resp. MPI. No background knowledge in these topics is assumed.
We will cover the basics as well.
The general philosophy of the workshop is to build up understanding
of key concepts that are relevant to obtain good application
performance. Once this is achieved, it is much easier to use the
development environment in the best possible way.
The Sun compilers, the Sun performance analyzer and the Sun HPC
ClusterTools environment (MPI) will be covered in detail. It will be
shown how these tools can be used to get optimal performance out of
UltraSPARC and Opteron based Sun workstations and servers.
We will also briefly touch upon some third party software products,
which augment the programmer's tool suite on the Sun systems.
>>> The Participants
Attendees should be comfortable with C or Fortran programming and
interested in learning more about the technical details of
application tuning. Although there is no special coverage of C++ and
the examples are in Fortran and/or C, C++ programmers will certainly
benefit from this course as well.
Prepared lab exercises will be made available to participants. These
exercises have been selected to demonstrate features discussed
in the presentations. Participants who prefer to work on their own
application(s) instead will be welcome to do so. A suitable preparation
of Makefiles and small plus medium sized data sets are of course
desirable in this case.
The workshop language will be English.
>>> The Speakers
Ruud van der Pas ...
has a degree in numerical mathematics and physics. Since 1985,
he has been involved with High Performance and Technical Computing.
After having worked for 4 years as a consultant in numerical
analysis and high-end computing at the University of Utrecht, and
after positions at Convex and SGI, Ruud works for Sun Microsystems
since 1998. He is a senior staff engineer in Sun's Scalable Systems
Group and is actively involved in application tuning.
He provides performance consultancy to customers and works with
several engineering groups within Sun to enhance current and future
products. Ruud will be the main speaker of Parts I and II of the
Jonas Edberg ...
has studied applied mechanics and received a Ph.D. degree from
Lulea University of Technology in 1996 on "Numerical Modeling of
Hot Rolling" using and developing finite element analysis (FEM). He
now works with High Performance Technical Computing support within
Sun Service PTS (Product Technical Support) in EMEA which provides
world-wide customer supports for Sun HPC ClusterTools,
Compiler/Development Tools and Sun Grid Engine Software. Before
joining Sun in 1998, he was a project leader and senior research
scientist at Mefos which is a Industrial research institute
for the metallurgical and metalworking industry. He worked as a
collaborator with Lawrence Livermore laboratories on the development
of the finite element codes Nike, Dyna and Topaz. Jonas will be the
main speaker of Part III of the workshop.
Richard Friedman ...
is senior documentation specialist for Sun Studio compilers. He has
a degree in mathematics and has been involved in scientific
programming since the 1960's, starting at the Courant Institute of
New York University (CDC 6600), and the Lawrence Berkeley Lab
(University of California, CDC 7600). In the '70's he spent
a year at the University of London Computer Centre (CDC 7600) and
another year at the European Weather Centre (ECMWF, England) (Cray
1) providing user's support. Richard joined Sun in 1995 after more
than ten years as an applications consultant with Pacific Sierra
Research and Applied Parallel Research, developing automatic
parallelization software and giving training workshops on scientific
programming, software optimization, and parallel programming. At
Sun he is responsible for the Fortran and OpenMP documentation as
well as the Sun Studio developers portal. Richard will present
documentation, code samples, forums, and patches provided by Sun.
Dieter an Mey ...
studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the RWTH Aachen
University. Since 1983 he is a consultant in high performance
technical computing at the Center for Computing and Communication.
He will present short introductions into some state-of-the-art third
party software products for program development.
>>> The Agenda
The following topics will be covered in detail:
Part I: Tuning Serial Applications
* The memory hierarchy in cache based systems
* Serial optimization techniques
* The following Sun Studio components:
* The Fortran and C compilers
* The Performance Library
* The Performance Analyzer
* The TotalView Debugger
* Microprocessor and server architectures
* Serial optimization techniques
* Modulo scheduling
* Case studies serial optimization
* Sun documentation
Part II: Shared Memory Parallelization
* Introduction into parallelization
* Shared memory parallelization
* Data dependency analysis
* Automatic parallelization
* Explicit parallelization using OpenMP
* Tuning OpenMP applications
* OpenMP case studies
* Tools for OpenMP programming
Part III: Distributed Memory Parallelization using MPI
* Introduction into explicit message passing programming
using the Message Passing Interface (MPI)
* Sun HPC ClusterTools 5 overview
* Build & execution environment for MPI applications (CRE)
* Debugging MPI codes on Sun using Prism and TotalView
* Sun MPI implementation
* Runtime consideration and tuning
* Optimizing MPI communication
* Sun Scalable Scientific Subroutine Library (S3L)
* MPI performance analysis
* Intel Trace Collector and Analyzer overview
>>> The Costs
The workshop is organized in cooperation with the RWTH Aachen University
and Sun Microsystems. There is no workshop fee. All other costs
(e.g. travel, hotel, and consumptions) are at your own expenses.
>>> More Information
see http://www.rz.rwth-aachen.de/hpc/sun
>>> Contact
Dieter an Mey
E-mail: anmey(a)rz.rwth-aachen.de
Tel: +49 241 8024377
Dieter an Mey
High Performance Computing Hochleistungsrechnen
RWTH Aachen University Rechen- und Kommunikations-
Center for Computing and Communication zentrum der RWTH Aachen
phone: ++49-(0)241-80-24377 Seffenter Weg 23
fax: ++49-(0)241-80-22134 52074 Aachen, Germany
email: anmey(a)rz.rwth-aachen.de