Kommunikationstechnisches Kolloquium am IKS

Sehr geehrte Abonnenten des Kolloquium-Newsletters, gerne informieren wir Sie über die nächsten Termine unseres Kommunikationstechnischen Kolloquiums. *Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2019* *Vortragender*: Tarek Yann El Moghazi *Ort*: Hörsaal 4G IKS *Zeit*: 11:15 Uhr *Bachelor-Vortrag*: Virtual Relocation of a Binaural Recording Device in a Teleconference Application Through binaural recording and playback techniques, intelligibility and realism can be achieved for a distant participant in a teleconference. For this, a recording device (e.g. an artificial head) is placed at the desired location in the room. When listening to the artificial head's recording, the distant participant experiences immersion and spaciousness as if he were present in the room and can naturally distinguish between speakers. Using the above approach for multiple distant participants is complex and costly, as each of the participants requires a unique recording device at a distinct location in the conference room. With the goal of reducing cost and effort, in this thesis an attempt to virtually shift the acoustic scene to different locations in the room using a singular artificial head's recorded signals, is presented. The relocation is implemented by a table. Its function is to translate the angles seen from the recording position into angles corresponding to the target location. Multiple algorithms for constructing the table are proposed and compared. Furthermore, the impact of distance perception is considered by modifying the output signal's primary-to-ambient ratio depending on the distance between source and recording device or participant. Results of a listening test verify the validity of the presented approach. With the aid of it the user experience in teleconferencing scenarios and beyond can be improved. und *Freitag, 11. Oktober 2019* *Vortragende*: Xiao Luo *Ort*: Hörsaal 4G IKS *Zeit*: 14:00 Uhr *Master-Vortrag:* Multichannel Acoustic Echo Compensation for Spatial Audio Communication Emerging devices supporting 3D audio recording and reproduction accelerate progress towards immersive telecommunications desired by teleconferencing and many other application scenarios. However, the massive number of microphones and loudspeakers required in such systems poses challenges for acoustic echo compensation. In this master thesis, it is verified that the classical acoustic echo compensation is hardly scalable to the massive multichannel systems, subject to the system complexity and the well-known non-uniqueness problem. Therefore, a new method of echo compensation is proposed in this work, attempting to apply spatial filtering on the 3D audio signal for source separation and generate the desired echo estimates with much fewer estimation channels. Typical techniques for source separation like beamforming and principal component analysis are investigated, showing high potential for satisfying the needs of massive multichannel echo compensation with largely reduced complexity. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich. Allgemeine Informationen zum Kolloquium, sowie eine aktuelle Liste der Termine des Kommunikationstechnischen Kolloquiums finden Sie unter: http://www.iks.rwth-aachen.de/aktuelles/kolloquium/ -- Irina Ronkartz Institute of Communication Systems (IKS) RWTH Aachen University Muffeter Weg 3a, 52074 Aachen, Germany +49 241 80 26958 (phone) ronkartz@iks.rwth-aachen.de http://www.iks.rwth-aachen.de/
participants (1)
Irina Ronkartz